The ability to redeploy gliders will be restricted to larger team modes while Epic continues testing.

In the Fortnitemares v6.20 refresh, Epic empowered lightweight plane redeployment in all Fortnite diversion modes, which means players could haul out their lightweight plane whenever insofar as they were three units or higher. What was intended to be seven days in length test has reached out into two, with players both raging over and commending the enormous buff to portability.

In any case, today Epic expressed that it's moving back the lightweight flyer redeployment change in tomorrow's v6.30 refresh, limiting it to huge group diversion modes where it was first considered. This isn't really the last time we'll have the capacity to redeploy lightweight flyers in default performances, pairs, or squads, however. Epic expresses an absence of correspondence and speed for dialing down the gas, "We didn't satisfy desires for rapidly emphasizing on the technician and imparting designs."

Sufficiently reasonable. I'm a colossal fanatic of lightweight plane redeployment myself. We can talk balance throughout the day, yet it makes moving around that tremendous guide on a very basic level all the more engaging, and I think Epic is remembering that. In any case, I do perceive how such a quick and significant change upset existing playstyles too brutally. As fast as Epic has been repeating on Fortnite, it expected to react significantly speedier to exploitative or disappointing playstyles rising up out of the capacity to coast in or out of battles freely, and it didn't. I have confidence that lightweight plane redeployment can work once things or capacities are acquainted with make each jump a more hazardous suggestion, yet in any event, I can fly around Disco Domination all I like, longing for a superior world.